Agrochemicals Products

Authority 480SC

Sulfentrazone 48%

– A new and unique selective systemic herbicide before germination produced by FMC International.

– The perfect solution for stubborn weeds.

– Specializes in controlling broad and thin leaf weeds that have acquired the characteristic of immunity against many different chemical groups.

– Mode of action: It is sprayed on the surface of the soil and then absorbed by the newly germinated seeds or seedlings into the plant tissue.

– It is also used in many existing crops such as palm trees, fruit trees, golf courses, landscape, grass plantations, runways, as well as railways.

– It is necessary to observe the prohibition period; as not planting any of the crops below in the soils treated with Authority after waiting for the prohibition period:

Alfalfa ———————– 12 months.

Corn ————————- 10 months.

Barley and Wheat ——– 4 months.

Sugar beet —————– 36 months.

– Authority accepts mixing with herbicides containing Glyphosate or Pendimethalin.

– Application rate: Manual spraying of 65 ml per 20 liters of water in the landscapes.

By boom spray from 200 – 400ml / hectare.

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